COP Information - Voluntarily Establish Paternity
The Certificate of Parentage (COP) is a legal form parents complete to add the biological father's name to the child's birth certificate. By signing the form, parents are establishing paternity for their child ─ meaning legally recognized fatherhood.
If there are any doubts who the biological father of the child is, do not sign the COP. You may want to have genetic testing completed before you make your decision.
Tutorial video about Paternity to serve as a guide for new parents.
COP Requirements and Process
Your relationship with your partner at the time your child is born determines what steps you should follow.
Child Born Outside of Marriage
If the mother was not married at the time of birth or within 300 days of the birth, and both parties agree that they are the biological parents of the child, the Certificate of Parentage (COP) can be completed. Once completed, the COP is used to add the biological father to the child’s birth certificate.
Child Born of Marriage, but the Husband is Not the Biological Father
In New Jersey, when the mother is married at the time of the child’s birth or conception, or any time in between, the law considers her husband to be the “presumed father”, even if he is not the biological father. If all three parties (mother, husband/ex-husband and child’s biological father) are in agreement, the husband/ex-husband and the mother can first complete the Affidavit of Denial of Paternity (AOD), which denies that the husband/ex-husband is the biological father of the child. Then, the mother and biological father can complete the Certificate of Parentage (COP) to establish paternity.
The COP and AOD can be completed at the birth facility, State Office of Vital Statistics and Registry in Trenton (in-person or by mail), a local registrar office, or a local child support office. If the COP and AOD are completed at the hospital, the biological father’s name will appear on the birth certificate. If they are done subsequently, the birth certificate must be amended as it would list the husband/ex-husband as the biological father. If you wish to amend the birth certificate, you MUST visit the registrar in the municipality in which the child was born or the State Office of Vital Statistics in Trenton. There will be additional forms and fees for amending your child’s birth record.
Since there are many unique circumstances to amending records, you should contact the State Office of Vital Statistics and Registry at 866-649-8726 (select option 4) if you have any questions after reviewing the detailed information about correcting a vital record and Vital Statistics-FAQs.
+ Important information to know before signing an COP
- If a COP was completed and approved for your child in the past – DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM AGAIN.
- Parents should carefully review the Rights and Responsibilities on the COP.
- Make sure each item is completed on the form.
- This is a legal form. Type or complete the form in blue or black ink. Do not alter the form, use liquid paper, or make any scratch outs. If you make a mistake, start over with a new form.
- The COP can be mailed to a parent located outside of New Jersey to be signed in the presence of a licensed notary.
+ Requirements to complete a COP
- Photo ID
- Parents information:
- Full name
- Social Security number (if you do not have one, write “None”)
- Current address
- Date of birth
- Place of birth (city, state, and country)
- Employment and insurance information (write “None” if applicable)
- A legally licensed notary or approved witness. Both parents must sign this form in the presence of a licensed notary or approved witness. DO NOT SIGN THIS FORM BEFORE YOU HAVE IT NOTARIZED OR WITNESSED. Show the notary or witness your picture identification. Approved witnesses are only available at hospitals, Vital Statistics, and child support offices in New Jersey.
+ Requirements to complete an AOD
- Photo ID
- Parents information:
- Full name
- Social Security number (if you do not have one, write “None”)
- Current address
- Date of divorce decree if applicable
- A legally licensed notary or approved witness. Both parents must sign this form in the presence of a licensed notary or approved witness. DO NOT SIGN THIS FORM BEFORE YOU HAVE IT NOTARIZED OR WITNESSED. Show the notary or witness your picture identification. Approved witnesses are only available at hospitals, Vital Statistics, and child support offices in New Jersey.
Where to Complete a COP (and AOD)
At the hospital at the time of your child’s birth
COPs completed in the hospital at the time of birth are the quickest way to establish paternity at no cost to you. Hospitals have staff onsite to assist with completing the form and to notarize or witness each parent’s signature. Once the COP is properly completed, the hospital submits the form to the Vital Records Office along with the birth record. Hospitals can also assist the mother and husband/ex-husband with completing an AOD.
Later - At Vital Records, Child Support, or by Mail
COPs that are completed after parents have left the hospital may require an additional fee to amend the child’s birth certificate. Parents can complete a COP (and AOD) at the following locations:
State Office of Vital Statistics: You can visit the Walk-in Center at 140 E. Front Street in Trenton (602-292-4087) or send the completed forms, application for amending the birth record, and supporting documents by mail. For more information, visit Vital Statistics.
Local Registrar (Vital Statistics): You can complete a COP at any registrar. However, if you wish to amend the birth certificate, you MUST visit the local registrar in the municipality where the child was born or the State Office of Vital Statistics in Trenton.
Local Child Support Office: A worker in the child support office in your county can help you complete a COP. If you need genetic testing, you can submit an application for paternity establishment on the child support website. Child support cannot assist with amending the birth certificate. Call 1-877-NJKIDS1 for more information.
Important Information
Before you sign the COP → Review your rights and responsibilities
Before you sign the AOD → Review the legal consequences
Rules for choosing a surname → Determining your child’s last name
If you change your mind → Recision Information
Completing the Certificate of Parentage (COP)
If completing the COP on your own, complete the following steps:
1. Review Page 2
Be sure to review the entire page before filling out and signing the COP. This page includes important information about your rights and responsibilities.
2. Fill out the Information in the Child, Mother, and Father Sections
Type or complete the form in blue or black ink.
Make sure each item on the form is completed.
Do not alter the form, use liquid paper, or make any scratch outs. If you make a mistake, start over with a new form.
3. Sign the Form Before a Licensed Notary or Approved Witness
Both parents must sign the COP before a notary or approved witness, but this does not have to be done by the same notary/witness or in each other’s presence.
Parents can get the COP notarized or witnessed for free at their local child support office, local registrar, or State Office of Vital Statistics in Trenton.
4. Submit the Completed COP
You can submit a COP at any local registrar, child support office or the State Office of Vital Statistics and Registry in Trenton (in-person or by mail). However, if you wish to amend the birth certificate, you MUST visit the registrar in the municipality where the child was born or the State Office of Vital Statistics and Registry in Trenton. There may be additional forms and fees for amending your child’s birth record.
Completing the Affidavit of Denial of Paternity (AOD)
If completing the AOD on your own, complete the following steps:
1. Review Page 2 and Initial
Be sure to review the entire page before filling out and signing the AOD. Completing this form has legal consequences. Both the mother and husband/ex-husband must initial page 2.
2. Fill Out the Information in the Child, Mother and Presumed Father (Husband) Sections
Type or complete the form in blue or black ink.
Make sure each item on the form is completed.
Do not alter the form, use liquid paper, or make any scratch outs. If you make a mistake, start over with a new form.
3. Sign the Form Before a Licensed Notary or Approved Witness
The mother and husband/ex-husband must sign the AOD before a notary or approved witness, but this does not have to be done by the same notary/witness or in each other’s presence.
Parents can get the AOD notarized or witnessed for free at their local child support office, local registrar, or State Office of Vital Statistics in Trenton.
4. Submit the Completed COP
You can submit the AOD along with the COP at any local registrar, child support office or the State Office of Vital Statistics and Registry in Trenton (in-person or by mail). However, if you wish to amend the birth certificate, you MUST visit the registrar in the municipality where the child was born or the State Office of Vital Statistics and Registry in Trenton. There may be additional forms and fees for amending your child’s birth record.